Sunday 31 January 2021

Meditation Sunday this evening 18h30

 Plus a small change in our schedule:

lundi 18h30-18h45
mardi 08h00-09h15
mercredi 18h30-19h45
jeudi 18h30-19h45
vendredi 08h00-09h15
samedi 10h00-11h15

All classes continue for now live on video from the center.

Monday 4 January 2021

Bonne Année! 2021

We are here, what will we do with this year?

What have we learned?

Dear Students and Friends,

Much of what we learned is we need community.

Centre de Yoga du Marais is strong, it has your support and love, and just like you knows that

when there are waves, get out the surfboard and learn how to ride.

Love and light,
