Thursday 21 April 2011

Friday Apr 22

All classes will be held Friday except Hatha I and Mommy and Me.

Thursday 14 April 2011

nouvelles d'avril/mai

Chers tous! Excellent printemps à tous !
Cette saison est merveilleuse à Paris. Voici les nouvelles du centre pour les prochains mois à venir.
(Si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir la newsletter, répondez simplement avec la mention "Merci de me retirer de la liste de diffusion")

Tous les cours sont maintenus pendant les vacances d'avril et jours fériés de mai.
Je serai absente du 22 avril au 1er mai. Les autres professeurs du centre prendront le relai sur mes cours.

Le centre sera cependant fermé pour le week-end de Pâques, du samedi 23 au lundi 25 avril, inclus. Le printemps sera une saison riche dans nos calendriers, et nous vous attendons pour vous voir au centre !

L'atelier avec Andrei Ram est complet.

Laure Verdier, nouvelle venue, se propose de donner deux ateliers avant de rejoindre le cercle des professeurs.
Cours d'une heure les mercredi 11 mai (18h15-19h15) et samedi 21 mai (14h15-13h45)
Plus d'infos sur Laure ici

Ce mois-ci, la méditation sera menée par Delphine Felisa, que beaucoup d'entre-vous connaissent déjà, qui est dans le programme de Teacher Training cette année.
Rendez-vous le 30 avril, de 18H30 à 19H30. Vous êtes également invités pour diner après la séance. Notez qu'il y aura aussi le cours de la communauté le dimanche 1er mai !

La méditation de mai aura lieu le 28 mai, à la même heure, et sera menée par mes soins.

En fin de compte, il reste deux places libres pour la retraite de yoga cet été à Milos (Cyclades, Grèce). J'ai toujours un bungalow de réservé. Après quoi le tout sera complet.
J'enseignerai en dehors de Paris cet été.
Les prochaines news seront celle du programme de cet été.

Je vous souhaite une très belle saison pour le travail et pratique, et espère voir le plaisir dans tout ce que vous entreprenez.

Dear Everyone and Happy Spring!
This season is lovely in Paris and here is the update for the next couple of months.
(If you do not wish to receive these notices anymore, please send me an email with a 'please remove from the list.')
All the classes will be held during the April and May vacations. I will be away from April 22-May 1. The staff at the centre will be replacing me.
The centre will be closed however for Easter weekend, Saturday-Monday, April 23-25.
Then we have a very busy Spring and we're looking forward to seeing you in the classes!

The Andrei Ram workshop is now full.

A new teacher Laure Verdier who would like to propose a couple of workshop classes before she joins the staff at the centre is presenting
A one hour class Wed, May 11, 18h15-19h15 and
Saturday, May 21, 14h15-13h45.
Meet Laure at

This month's meditation will be held by Delphine Felisa whom many of you know and is in this year's Teacher Training program.
April 30, Saturday 18h30-19h30. Please be welcome to stay for a nice dinner afterward. There will also be community class on May 1!

The May meditation will be May 28, same time and will be held by myself.

Finally, there are two places left for the Yoga in Milos retreat. I still have a bungalow reserved, after which all the rest of the accommodation is taken.
I will be teaching away from Paris this summer.
The next news will be the summer schedule!

I wish you a very happy season in your work and your play and may you see the pleasure in everything you do.

Centre de Yoga du Marais
72, rue du Vertbois
75003 Paris
Tel. +
Cell. +

Sunday 3 April 2011

Yoga Workshop May 7/8

By Yogi Andrei Ram

"Yoga Subtle-Astral Anatomy"
Exposition and practices to know and to stimulate the Five sheaths of the human Self -Koshas- and the Seven main centers of consciousness -Chakras.  Presented from the Science of Yoga perspective.

Saturday 7th, 2011. 15:30-18:30
"The Five Coverings of the Supreme Self". 
An immersion into the understanding and realization of the Five Koshas -coverings of the Self.  Lecture and practical meditation exercises plus postures with the purpose of revealing the ultimate essence of the human Self.

Sunday 8th, 2011. 15:30-18:30 
"The Seven Levels of Human Consciousness"
Learn how to realize the presence and specific location of each of the seven main energy centers -Chakras. Lecture and practical exercises to stimulate the Chakras as a vehicle to arise the consciousness.  Includes asana practice.

Andrei Ram-Om maintains the tradition of living the life of a Yogi, while living in the ordinary world.  He has been ordained by Sri Dharma Mittra to continue passing the living Yoga practices and to share them with others worldwide.  From an early age Andrei had strong insights and visualizations, which made him aware of the non-physical aspects of reality and divinity.   Born in Holyoke, MA, he grew up in Colombia, South America, where he studied Marine Biology, Dance and Anthropology.
After many years of intense self-yoga practice, Andrei moved from Colombia to New York City in 2003, following an insight that was revealed as soon as he met his Guru Sri Yogi Dharma Mittra.  His devoted dedication to serve his guru as full time karma yogi led him to become the senior teacher at Dharma Yoga Center for many years, having the honor to be the head yogi at Kailashananda Temple when Sri Dharma was out of town.  During this time he collaborated one on one with Sri Dharma Mittra to develop the “Life of a Yogi” 200 hr and 500hr Teacher Training programs, offered by the “Dharma Yoga” Center.  From 2005 to 2010 he was the senior teacher at these programs.
Beginning this year, Andrei Ram has begun to offer the “Self-Realization Immersion Course” as a way of honoring his beloved guru and to share with all the treasure of the Yoga Science. This course was designed in order to integrate the yoga practices into everyone’s daily search for liberation, and to promote the coalition of all yoga styles back to its universal nature: Union, Oness, Yoga. 
Andrei Ram-Om, embodies the virtues of Yoga he has learned from his Guru:  kindness, patience, humility, fortitude, humor, selfless service, ahimsa (non-harm), and unlimited love, compassion and understanding for all.   He is a master at helping students at any level lose their fear and become steadfast Yogis in their daily lives. All teachings he imparts are established in classical traditions, whose effects are remarkable and life-changing.  Students and teachers from around the world are forever changed by these simple ancient teachings, which embrace all aspects of the science of Yoga, from the physical to the esoteric. 
Andrei Ram travels the world leading yoga workshops, retreats and the “Self Realization Immersion Course”.
For more info go to:

Friday 1 April 2011

Community class plus relief for Japan 3 avril

Community Class
Each Sunday a volunteer teacher holds a community class for charity.  The class is a 10 euro donation to Families For Children, a non-profit agency operating out of Canada and the U.S., entirely run by volunteers for the children of India and Bangladesh.  To see more we link with them at 

The class is a multi-level class and a nice way to introduce friends that have been curious about yoga.  This aspect of yoga we call seva, service.

Sundays 11h30-13h00, Centre de Yoga du Marais.

And! This Sunday, 3 April there is a relief drive for Japan at the Institut de Langues AAA, 21 rue d'Antin, 75002.
Nombre de visiteurs estimé:  1000
Activités: ventes, concerts, récolte des dons, animations, etc.
L'argent sera collecté par l'AARFJ (Association des Japonais en France) au bénéfice de la Croix-Rouge japonaise.

 Yoga Therapy
Michelle donne des cours thérapeutiques tous les juedis 14h00-15h00.  A partir de 70 ans, le cours est gratuit est adapté pour les besoins de chaqu'un  dans le cours.

Michelle teaches a therapeutic class  each Thursdays from 14h00-15h00.  For all aged 70 and up the class is free.
No matter what your physical condition, you will find you can awaken some new sensation in your body.  The class is guided and adapted to each gently for one hour.