Friday, 30 November 2012

Winter news and holidays

Namasté les yogis du Centre de Yoga du Marais!                (English at the bottom.  Please let me know if you wish to be removed from the list.)
Joyeux décembre!
Voici les nouvelles pour tous ceux qui restent et un aperçu de ce qui va se passer en janvier 2013.

Le Centre sera fermé du 22 décembre au 4 janvier, exception faite pour les cours prénatal de Sharon et les cours de Maud and Ann.

Je serai en voyage pendant la plupart du mois de décembre, je serai ici pour mes cours, samedi 15 et lundi 17.  Tous les autres crénaux seront assurés par des remplaçants. Je vais vous prolonger la durée des cartes d'une période de deux semaines, cartes qui bien évidemment seront acceptées par mes remplaçants. Mon offre est valable à partir dès maintenant, comme noté dans mon site web sur mon page les horaires de Michelle, et en ce qui regarde les nouveaux élèves avec un coupon de 10,00€, ce coupon sera valable dès mon retour quand j'enseigne.  Je recommence à plein régime le 5 janvier. 

Nouveau cours prénatal!  Je donnerai un cours prénatal les mardis soir de 18h00 à 19h30, pour intégrer le cours de Sharon de vendredi à 10h00. Vous pouvez utiliser vos cartes pour n'importe quel professeur.

En janvier,
je vais rajouter un cours du soir de Hatha niv. II/III, notamment le mardi de 19h45 à 21h15. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur la page de mon planning.

Un nouveau départ. Anne Vandewalle, Yoga Planète, nous quitte après huit ans d'enseignement au Centre. On lui souhaite plein de bonnes choses et nous serons ravies de pouvoir la rencontrer à nouveau, puisque elle reste dans le quartier.
Les cours de 14h00 tenus par Ann Moradian et Maud sont annulés. Par ailleurs, Ann tiendra un nouveau cours tous les mardis de 12h30 à 13h30, par conséquent tous les jours à midi il va y avoir une activité.

Les ateliers de Yoga Nidra se tiendront tous le mois, la prochine, 15 décembre, 16h00-18h00 avec Christiane Beaugé, rendez-vous sur le site pour plus de renseignements. Mon atelier sur le renforcement du système immunitaire et renforcer "agni", feu, se tiendra dimanche 20 janvier, de 13h30 à 16h30. Le prix est de 40,00€, ou de 100,00€ pour les trois ateliers, de janvier à mars. Prochaines dates: 17 février et 17 mars. Revenez nous voir pour en savoir plus.

Chaque dernier mardi du mois de 09h30 à 11h30, TJ Jackson, un professeur formé chez Dharma Mittra, donnera un cours de deux heures de dharma "master class", dédié à l'ensemble de nos professeurs et aux étudiants le plus expérimentés, qui pourront pratiquer ensemble. Les cours sont organisés par Yoga Solidaire et sera 25 euros pour les profs de yoga, 30 euros pour les étudiants.

I wish you all a joyous holiday season, appreciating the simple gifts that are around us, remembering that we are loved, and sharing that love is the biggest adventure there is.  See you in 2013!

Namaste all yogis at the Centre de Yoga du Marais
Happy December!
Here is the news for all of you here in December as well as a preview for January 2103.

The Centre will be closed from Dec 22-Jan 4 except for Sharon's prenatal classes and Maud and Ann's classes.

I will be traveling most of December and will be here to teach, Saturday Dec 15 and Monday, Dec 17.  I have replacement teachers covering all my other classes in my absence.  I am giving you all a 2-week extension on your cards and of course your cards are valid with my substitute teachers.  My offer begins now which you can find on my page on the website and for those new students with a 10-euro coupon, this coupon is valid when I return and am teaching.  My classes resume, Saturday Jan 5, for the full schedule.

New prenatal class!  I will teach an evening class of prenatal Tuesdays 18h00-19h30 to accompany Sharon's class 10h00 on Friday mornings.  Your cards are good for both classes.

For January,

I am adding an additional evening class a Hatha level II/III on Tuesday evenings from 19h45-21h15.  You can see the full description of the classes I will be teaching from Monday-Saturday on my schedule page.

New beginnings.  Anne Vandewalle of Yoga Planet is leaving after happily teaching at the Centre for 8 years.  We wish her well and Anne is always in the neighborhood and we are always happy to see her.
The 14h00 classes held by Ann Moradian and Maud are cancelled.   Ann is now teaching lunchtime on Tuesdays 12h30-13h30.  And we have lunchtime classes every day.  

Monthly, Yoga Nidra workshops will continue, Dec 15, 16h00-18h00 is the next one with Christiane Beaugé, please see the site for all updates on workshops.  
My January workshop on boosting the immune system, feeding agni our inner light and digestive fire will be on Sunday, January, 20.  13h30-16h30.  Price for the workshop is 40 euros, or 100 euros for 3 workshops: Jan-March.  The following dates will be February 17 and March 17.  More information to follow.

Monthly, a Tuesday morning Dharma Masterclass with TJ  Jackson.  A Dharma Mittra experienced teacher, TJ will be leading a 2-hour monthly class, the last Tuesday of each month for our community of teachers and advanced yoga-practioners for all of us to practice together.   9h30-11h30.  These classes are organized by Yoga Solidaire and are 25 euros for teachers, 30 for students.  More details on the Workshop page.

And finally near and far I wish you all a joyous holiday season, appreciating the simple gifts that are around us, remembering that we are loved, and sharing that love is the biggest adventure there is.  See you in 2013!

Michelle Jacobi

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving


Israel and Hamas have agreed to a cease fire after U.S. and Egyptian diplomatic negotiations.

Om Peace, please continue.

In New York,  jailers and prisoners on Rikers Island are doing tons and tons of laundry for displaced New Yorkers in shelters as well as providing other labor, and donating food and supplies.

It's Thanksgiving.  We are the other.

Om peace, please continue.


Tuesday, 13 November 2012

The Chakra System

There will be a workshop on Nov 18 on the chakras and yoga’s impact on the endocrine and nervous systems. We will learn what chakras are made up of and how to enhance their positive aspects as well as dissolve the over-dominant aspects which can reside in each chakra. This is a three hour practice and you will be given material. 40€

J’organise un atelier le 18 novembre, sur les chakras et leurs effets sur nos systèmes endocrinien et nerveux. On y apprendra ce qu’est un chakra et comment augmenter les effets positifs et équilibrer les aspects dominants de chaque chakra. Ce sera une pratique de 3 heures, et vous repartirez avec de la documentation. 40€

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

This very happy citizen of the world is a grateful American this morning.
The best is yet to come, four more years.
Looking forward to teaching and sharing tonight, as always.
Om Peace,

Saturday, 27 October 2012

November news and meditation Sunday, Oct 28

Bonjour à tous!

Just to let you know all the classes are being held during the holidays and I am teaching on Nov 1, as well. I am teaching community class on Nov 5.

Tomorrow we change the clocks back an hour and we have meditation at 19h30 followed by our sharing a meal.

There will be a workshop on Nov 18 on the chakras and yoga's impact on the endocrine and nervous systems. We will learn what chakras are made up of and how to enhance their positive aspects as well as dissolve the over-dominant aspects which can reside in each chakra. This is a three hour practice and you will be given material. 13h30-16h30, Sunday, Nov 18.

Updates: November is the last month I will teach the level II/III on Thursdays at 16h00. This class will be held on Fridays only from 12h00-13h30.

Time change for Deborah, Tues at 14h00 is now moved to Thurs at 12h30-13h30 and will be a one-hr lunch time class. Deborah will also keep teaching from 17h45-19h15.

Stay warm, be happy, breathe, and devote your practice to someone/something you love.



Bonjour !

Tout d'abord, le Centre reste ouvert pendant les vacances scolaires et tous les cours ont lieu, à part les cours pour enfants. J'enseignerai le 1 nov, et guiderai aussi le cours communautaire du 5 novembre à 11h30. On change une heure en arrière ce soir et demain la médiation aura lieu à 19h30 suivi pars un repas.

J'organise un atelier le 18 novembre, sur les chakras et leurs effets sur nos systèmes endocrinien et nerveux. On y apprendra ce qu'est un chakra et comment augmenter les effets positifs et équilibrer les aspects dominants de chaque chakra. Ce sera une pratique de 3 heures, et vous repartirez avec de la documentation. dimanche 18 novembre 13h30-16h30

Mise à jour du planning : novembre est le dernier mois pour le cours niv. II/III le jeudi à 16h. A partir de décembre je donnerai ce cours uniquement le vendredi 12h-13h30.

Autre changement : le cours de Deborah du mardi 14h se déplace au jeudi 12h30-13h30 pour un cours de pause déjeuner, dès le 1er novembre. Elle continue d'enseigner les jeudis 17h45-19h15.

Soyez heureux, restez au chaud, respirez lentement et profondément, et dédiez votre pratique à une personne/une cause que vous aimez.


Wednesday, 10 October 2012

October news

Dear Everyone,
My big news this month is I am a student again, too.  This weekend I start my training as a Yoga Therapist, a program that is new and developing around the world and France has one of the only certified programs in the West.  I will be in classes a few weekends a year at l'hôpital Lariboisière.  Here is the link if you are interested in reading about it.  Institute de Yoga Thérapie.  How the body heals and reacts to our environment, internal and external has always fascinated me and I am looking forward to deepening my knowledge in this field.

Therefor I have a replacement for this Saturday's 10am class, and the next Saturday I am in training will be Dec 1.

Thank you for coming in such numbers to last month's meditation and our October meditation will be October 28, at 19h30.  I would like to have a Halloween theme for our feast after our sitting so if you are participating and would like to stay and share a meal together, maybe you can tell me what you have in mind so I know what kind of Halloween dish to prepare.  Many of you know I love this holiday.  Dress up if you want. :)

A bientôt

Om peace,

Thursday, 13 September 2012

New classes, new workshops

Hello yogis!  
The next Sunday workshop is Sept 23, a detox practice that will boost your immune system.  Here are the details: 

Since we all would like to have more energy, better sleep, feel lighter and more graceful in our everyday movements, every now and then a strong detoxifying practice as well as a core strengthening practice is just what is needed.  Twice a year the change of season gives us an opportunity to cleanse our body and mind and to create an environment for more vitality, and for change to occur.  The autumn detox will take place near the autumnal equinox on Sunday, Sept 23, 13h30-16h30.  We will have a vinyasa practice of continuous flow to detoxify the body through asana and nauli. Vinyasa means connected movement and we link this with our breath.  Naulis are purifying practices.  All levels are welcome and please feel free to practice at your own pace.  

The next full moon meditation will be 30 September, 19h30.  All are welcome, it's always free.

Bonjour les yogis ! Puisque nous voulons tous avoir plus d'énergie, un sommeil réparateur, se sentir plus léger et plus à l'aise dans nos gestes de tous les jours, de temps à autre une séance intense de détoxication et un renforcement central de la pratique sont précisément ce dont nous avons besoin. Deux fois par an, le changement de saison nous donne une opportunité d'épurer notre corps et notre esprit et de créer un environnement faisant place à plus de vitalité et au changement. La séance de détox d'automne aura lieu au plus proche de l'équinoxe, le dimanche 23 septembre de 13h30 à 16h30. Nous aurons une pratique du vinyasa et un flux continu de détoxication du corps en asana et nauli. Vinyasa signifie mouvement, et nous le lions avec notre respiration. Naulis est une pratique de purification. Tous les niveaux sont les bienvenus et soyez libres de pratiquer à votre rythme. 

La prochaine méditation pour la pleine lune sera 30 septembre, 19h30.  Toujours gratuit.

Some new classes have been added to the schedule and a new teacher to the staff.  Please have a look here:

I would like to welcome Deborah Cukierman to the Yoga Marais.  You can read more about Deborah and all the news about your teachers here:

l y a quelques nouveau cours et aussi une nouvelle prof au Centre, Deborah Cukierman.  Je suis ravie de accueillir Deborah entre nous.

La rentrée is off to a beautiful start and it's wonderful watching all of your practices grow.  Come in and harvest all of your efforts you have put in!

See you soon!  A bientôt!

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Hatha Yoga Workshop Sunday, Sept 9

Hello Everyone,
There are still places for Nadiya's workshop this Sunday from 13h30-16h30.
You can read more about the workshop on the website.  Please feel free to reserve later, or drop in, space permitting.

And pre-registration for yoga-mini, the children's program at Centre de Yoga du Marais is
Wednesday, Sept 19, at 16h00.  Classes begin Sept 25.

Centre de Yoga du Marais
72, rue du Vertbois
75003 Paris
0033 (0)1 42 74 24 92
0033 (0)6 31 91 92 12

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

La rentrée 2012

Chers amis et amies,

J’éspère que cette lettre de bienvenue à la rentrée au Yoga vous retrouve tous reposées et restorés, comme après un cours ou une séance à la maison. Plusieurs événéments sont prévus pour cet automne et dans cette lettre je souhaiterais attirer votre attention sur l’un parmi d’autres, un atelier spécial avec mon premier professeur et chèr amie de New York, du IYI, Nadiya Nottingham.

Nadiya tiendra l’atelier du dimanche 9 septembre avec une pratique nommée "Yoga and Power Animals, manifesting your Shamanic Self". Plusieurs asanas sont inspirées du royaume animal et Nadiya nous expliquera ces profondes liaisons pendant les exercices. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur le site.
13h30 – 16h30. 45€

Le dimanche 23 septembre, en occasion de l’equinoxe d’automne, il y aura une pratique de purification et désintoxication, importante pour équilibrer l’énergie dans le corps en vue de la nouvelle saison.
13h30 – 16h30. 45€

Il y a des nouveaux cours au Centre cette année, tout comme quelques petits changements, par conséquent je vous prie de bien vous rendre sur le site, pour vérifier les pages consacrées aux sujets qui vous interessent. L’équipe, Caroline, Amanda, Maud, Anne, Sharon, Ann, Suraja, Emma Ulrika, Caroline B et moi-meme sommes impatientes de partager une nouvelle année avec vous! N’hésitez pas à m’appeler pour en savoir plus sur les cours, les tarifs et les ateliers. Voilà la toute nouvelle adresse mail, facile à
La vieille adresse est toujours valide.

Si vous ne voulez plus recevoir mes messages, je vous prie de bien vouloir me le communiquer, je vais m’en occuper.

Je vous souhaite une nouvelle saison inspirée, de moisson, croissance et beauté.


Dear everyone,

I hope this welcome back to Yoga in the rentrée letter finds you well rested and restored, just like you feel after your class or personal practice.  There are many events planned for you this fall and this letter is for you to have a look at one in particular, a very special workshop with my first yoga teacher and dear friend in New York from IYI, Nadiya Nottingham.

Nadiya will lead the Sunday Workshop on Sept 9 with a 3 hour Hatha practice called Yoga and Power Animals, manifesting your Shamanic Self.  Many of our asanas come from the animal kingdom and Nadiya will explain these deep connections in our practice.  More details are on the site.
13h30-16h30. 45€

September 23, for the autumnal equinox we will have a purity and detoxification practice which is important to balance the energy in the body for the new season.
13h30-16h30 with Michelle.   45€

We have some new classes at the Centre this year as well as a few slight changes to the schedule so please have a click on the site and the relevant pages to what you will be interested in this year.  The staff, Caroline, Amanda, Maud, Anne, Sharon, Ann, Suraja, Emma, Ulrika and Caroline B and I are thrilled to share another new year with you all!  Please call or write me if you have any more questions as to fees, classes and workshops.  Here is a new easy email address:
The other address will work, too.

If you do not wish to receive these emails anymore, let me know and I will take care of that, too.

I wish you an inspiring new season, of harvest and growth and beauty.

Upcoming Events/Prévue

Ateliers de Dimanche:
2 sept, Hatha/Yoga Nidra avec Michelle et Christiane Beauge.  11h30-13h45 Cours Communitaire.
9 sept Atelier avec Nadiya Nottingham. 13h30-16h30

23 sept Autumnal Detoxification avec Michelle 13h30-16h30

30 sept Meditation 19h30-20h30

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Dear Everyone!
Summer's here!  Time to move, dance, run, skip and play.  In between all your happy sojourns we have something for everyone at the Yoga Marais this summer.
The summer hours are posted on the site as well as special dates to consider for la rentrée, including some special workshops from master teachers in September to help you get back on your yoga program if you have taken some time off.  Click here for workshops.

Its been a wonderful year meeting you and getting to know you better and being your teacher.  We'll have an 11th birthday this fall and it wouldn't have been the same without the presence and energy of each and every one of you.

To praise the sun, to praise the ocean, is to praise your own soul.  Rumi

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Open all Summer - reduced schedule

Planning Ahead   Le Centre reste ouvert.

July 1 - Aug 31  Reduced schedule.    Les horaires de l 'été.

Juillet/Août  Summer Schedule
18h30-20h00 Michelle niv I

14h00-15h30 Maud Niv I   Août 8 ,29)
19h30-21h00 Michelle Niv II/III

19h30-21h00 Michelle Niv I/II

10h00-11h30 Michelle Niv I/II

Meditation for the Summer Solstice, Sunday June 24, 18h30.
Chakra chanting, Chants on the color of the sun. Bring a favorite percussion instrument if you like, I have plenty at the Centre. Bring a friend! We're going to make some sound for our beautiful Earth. 

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Yoga on the Road

Yoga on the Road.  Taking your Practice with You

I was invited by Female Business Traveler to submit an article for their blog which you can see below.
It's a real nice blog and nice idea.  Here is more:

On a recent quick turn-around trip to Milan I had in my light tote one change of clothing a few toiletry essentials and most importantly  what I need to move my practice into a hotel room.

After several years of travel for business and pleasure, it’s as easy as a snap. Sometimes I find a local drop-in yoga class to join and sometimes I prefer to practice in my hotel. You can transform any hotel room into a sacred space with a few items that won’t even weigh 500 grams. I discovered this light weight roll out travel mat a few years ago that can roll or fold or be squished into your backpack or large purse. It weighs 400 grams and will protect your skin from the hotel room carpet.

Because we don’t have carpeting at home, I for one, love hotel room carpets and this particular one at the Best Western in Milan was extra thick and supportive and very clean. Also the hotels are happier when you don’t use their towels for your practice and you get all the qualities of a good sticky mat with support with this travel mat on a carpet or a floor.

To create a space to enter into your practice I bring a little votive candle and something close to my heart from my altar. It could be a photo of a loved one, a picture or object from nature. Anything that inspires you. I also bring a tiny vial of lavender essence which has the dual ability of relaxing you or energizing you and helps with jet lag, too. Put a little essence in your palms and rub them briskly, then place your palms gently over your eyes, this will also help move you from this hotel room to a wider broader experience of connection which is what we love about our practice. Mostly, once you are in your room it’s important to listen to what your body needs. Calls can easily be held at the desk and you also have the luxury of being called when you know your practice needs to finish.

There is so much wall space, usually and I like to begin by getting the heaviness out of my legs from the journey by legs up the wall pose. Hotels give you extra pillows and blankets which can be used as restorative props as well and they can be placed on your nice sticky mat rather than the floor. Heavy curtains dim the light and there you have a beginning to where the practice will take you.

For yoginis who like to do more advanced inversions, I also like the wall and carpet as a nice support in handstand and headstand, holding for several breaths in ujaii breathing. These are wonderful postures to move you into a time zone which may be different from the one you left. They leave you invigorated and refreshed.

Before going to sleep rather than falling asleep with the TV on, how about finding a quiet corner to sit and reflect on your day? From here you tune into the wave like rhythm of your breath and this can evolve to a breathing practice you like. Having a little ritual to blow out the candle each time helps you to remember to do this and you will have sweet dreams.

I found my 2 days feeling like 4 in Milan. Besides the meetings there was so much time to see the city to sit long hours at tables laden with delicious fresh food in restaurants and trattorias. I know I attribute this to taking the time I need for my practice.

If you are ever in Paris, and find it difficult practicing alone in your hotel or just want some company then we welcome any female business travellers for a drop-in yoga class.

Let me know how you do!

Yours on the mat,

Michelle Jacobi

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Hello Everyone,
Please refer to the blog here for all updates while the website is being worked on.

Update - There is a lunch time class every day.  Suraja's 10h00 class on Wednesday will now be held at 12h30.

Update -  The next mediation will be May 20, 17h30.

All classes will be held during the holidays this month.
Thank you 

Friday, 20 April 2012

Quoi de Neuf , Printemps

Quoi de neuf au Centre de Yoga du Marais, Printemps 2012

Salut tout le monde! (en français dessous)

As you are enjoying the longer light and bluer skies I just wanted to tell you that all the classes will be held during all the April and May holidays.
Many of you are making your summer plans already, too as are we. I will not be holding a retreat in Milos this summer but will wait until next summer to go back to my yoga holiday schedule. I will be taking a personal meditation retreat at Dechen Chöling the end of April, all the classes will be covered.

For the summer:
I will teach in July as well, with a reduced schedule which I will be posting later in the Spring. Keep your eyes on the website for a special week-long yoga workshop in Paris in August.

Also in August for those teachers who have completed a 200-hr training and would like to take the prenatal training, there will be an Integral Yoga Prenatal Teacher Training down in Portugal,

Dates: August 10-19, 2012

Prerequisite: 200 hour Teacher Training Certification
Trainers: Kali Morse and Beth Donelly-Caban (excellent and very experienced trainers from the Integral Yoga Institute of New York)
Tuition: 1030 euro
Room and Board: From 545 euro to 995 euro (Contact Quinta da Calma for

Early bird discount: 50 euro off tuition; 50 euro off room and board if you register by June 1

Contact for more information and application:
Ashram reservations phone number: 800.858.YOGA (9642)

For the fall:
A number of inspiring workshops are planned with some masterful yoga teachers. My special yoga teacher, Nadiya Nottingham, will be here September 9 to give a workshop on manifesting our Shamanic self, one of her lively practices that connect us to our animal world. Andrei Ram will also be back with us in mid-October, among other teachers coming in, too.

And finally looking ahead to next year!
I have updated the Yoga Immersion/Teacher Training page on the site with a special note to all of you who have studied at least a year at the Centre de Yoga du Marais, This would qualify you to take the 200-hr Teacher Training course offered in January of 2013. This is a 6-month intensive study for all who would like to go deeper into their personal practice and the understanding of the ancient yoga teachings. Whether or not you would like to go on to teach some day, this 6-month period allows us to cultivate inner growth and self-development through committed and regular practice and self-reflection. I feel honored and humbled each time I get to guide these teachings. I offer a fourth training with gratitude.


Tandis ce que vous êtes en train de profiter des jours qui s’allongent et des ciels plus bleus, je vous informe que tous les cours seront maintenus durant les vacances d’avril et de mai.

Un grand nombre d’entre vous sont déjà en train de préparer leur été, et nous faisons de même. Il n’y aura pas de retraite estivale à Milos cette année, les séjours de vacances de yoga seront de retour l’année prochaine.

Je vais également faire une retraite personnelle dédiée à la méditation au centre Dechen Chöling à la fin du mois d’avril. Tous mes cours seront assurés pendant mon absence.

Cet été:

J’assurerai mes cours au mois de juillet, en suivant un planning plus restreint dont je vous ferai part à la fin du printemps. Gardez un œil sur le site internet pour découvrir un atelier de yoga évènement, qui se déroulera sur une semaine au mois d’août.

Egalement en août, une formation de professeur de yoga prénatal aura lieu au Portugal. Elle s’adresse aux professeurs ayant déjà suivi la formation de base 200 heures. Dates: du 10 au 19 août 2012. Pré requis: certificat de professeur de yoga 200 heures.

Formateurs : Kali Morse et Beth Donelly-Caban (excellentes formatrices de l’Integral Yoga Institute de New York, justifiant d’une grande expérience dans le domaine)

Coût de la formation : 1030 euros

Hébergement : de 545 à 995 euros, merci de contacter Quinta da Calma pour les détails:

Offre promotionnelle : 50 euros de remise sur le prix de la formation ainsi que sur les frais d’hébergement pour toute inscription avant le 1er juin. Pour plus d’information et soumettre votre candidature, contactez le centre de réservation de l’ashram au 001 800 858 YOGA (9642).

Cet automne:

Plusieurs ateliers riches d’enseignement, en compagnie de professeurs aux parcours prestigieux, sont à venir.

Ma chère professeure de yoga, Nadiya Nottingham sera là le 9 septembre pour proposer un atelier dédié à la manifestation de notre être shamanique, une de ses pratiques vivantes pour nous connecter à notre monde animal.

Parmi les autres professeurs à nous rendre visite, Andrei Ram sera de retour à la mi-octobre.

Enfin, l’année prochaine (2013) :

J’ai mis à jour la rubrique « Yoga Immersion / Teacher Training » du site internet en précisant que tous ceux qui ont suivi des cours au Centre de Yoga du Marais depuis au moins un an, pourront être retenus pour faire partie de la formation de professeur de base de 200 heures qui débutera en janvier 2013. Il s’agit d’une formation intensive de 6 mois s'adressant à tous ceux qui souhaitent approfondir leur pratique personnelle et comprendre les enseignements ancestraux du yoga. Que vous souhaitiez enseigner ou non par la suite, cette formation de 6 mois vous guidera vers une transformation intérieure et un développement personnel à travers une pratique dédiée et régulière, ainsi qu’une réflexion sur soi. C’est pour moi à chaque fois un honneur et une preuve d’humilité de conduire ces enseignements. Avec gratitude, je propose aujourd’hui une quatrième session de formation.


Centre de Yoga du Marais
72, rue du Vertbois
75003 Paris
Tel. +
Cell. +

Friday, 6 April 2012

Easter Weekend classes

All classes will be held on Saturday and Monday of Easter Weekend.
No community class this Sunday.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!

All classes run as scheduled throughout the holidays of April and May.

Tous les cours se delouera le weekend du Pâques et pendant les vacances d'avril et les fêtes en mai, aussi.

Merci et bon fête!

Monday, 19 March 2012

Hello All!
The unfolding of events related to Yoga in the U.S. in the month of February prompted me after much thought and reflection to respond as some are asking about my thoughts.

In response to recent articles in the U.S. publications, NY Times and Herald Tribune, regarding, and I paraphrase, the fall in the popularity of yoga due to the fall of some yoga "titans":

Every couple of decades or so another wake-up call comes from the yoga community at large. And I feel that is just what it is. A reminder that the practice is an internal one, between you and your inner teacher, your Sat-Guru, or your highest most intuitive teacher. It is as well, the relationship you have with your local community, with your teacher and friends who care about you and your well being and the recognition that this special tradition has been passed down for the past 5000 years. This inner teacher that Patanjali went into great detail describing in his Yoga Sutras or Yoga Darshanam has a timeless wisdom. It is here that we can trace back to the roots of yoga. This wisdom has also traveled the world since this time and yoga and hatha yoga is practiced in many forms all over the globe.

Scholars date another ancient text, the Bhagavad Gita , to the period between 200 BC and 200AD. Influences on this text came from Buddhism, Jainism and Yoga. Yoga in all these contexts refers back to Raja Yoga, the yoga of Patanjali based on the science and study of the mind and a simple beautifully written guideline on how we can live a happy life, fulfilling our spiritual potential. Our modern psychology dates all the way back to Raja Yoga. Patanjali wrote the sutras from the intellect, no mention of God is there nor even a verb. The aphorisms were put down rationally and logically, Patanjali's message being, use your intellect, be rational, be logical, don't become dependent on anything. Cultivate independence.

Note: Students, when you choose your teachers, they should know this, YOU should know this.

On Tantra

The exact time when the word tantra came to be used or when its practices were first introduced is unknown. Symbols related to fertility rituals and yoga postures go back to 3000BC. Some tantric rites are based on Vedic practices going back to 2000BC. Tantra also shows the influence of the Upanishads and the Epics. There are early references to tantrism in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain literatures, but tantric practices are older than these texts.

Tantrikas are broadly divided into various sects according to the deities they worship and their rituals. The principle sects are worshipers of Shiva, worshippers of Vishnu or of Shakti. These major groups are divided into sub-sects.

When asked whether Tantra is a form of religion or mysticism, here is the response from Sir John Woodroffe, a pioneering philosopher in this field;

.....tantra is a verifiable experience to the one who seeks; in so far as it is based upon human experience in the very act of living as a source of the amplification of consciousness.....However ephemeral life may me, everything that exists has its own positive dimension. Hence, instead of drawing away from manifested nature and its obstacles, the tantrika confronts them in a face-to-face relationship. Perfect experience results in the experience of the whole, i.e. consciousness as being and consciousness as the power to become.

Because of general ignorance regarding their real meaning, tantric rituals such as sexo-yogic practices which ought not to be confused with yoga postures have been misunderstood and distorted. Some tantric philosophical and ritualistic patterns were traditionally the possession of a few initiates who formed a close circle and who guarded the system with great care, permitting access to none but qualified aspirants.

By the beginning of the 20th century many scholars such as Woodroffe had cleared away the misconceptions that obscured the profound teachings. Tantra has highly elaborate systems of atomic theory, space-time relationship, astronomical observations, cosmology, palmistry, astrology, chemistry and alchemy.

Again from Woodroffe,
The basic tenets of tantra can be explained in either ascending or descending order. From the top, one can start at the cosmic plane, at tantra's precepts concerning the ultimate reality and come down to its notion of creation and of the objective world and finally arrive at its understanding of the human body and its properties and the psychic process which interlink man and the universe.

Conversely we may start from the tangible self and ascend in stages through man-world cosmos culminating in the nature of ultimate reality.

The Tantric Way, Art, Science Ritual
Ajot Mookerjee and Madhu Khanna
published by Thames and Hudson, New York, NY

Yoga arose in the great Upanishadic culture in a time before the concept of a 'holy personality" or any kind of personality for that matter.
It was a wisdom culture that recognized everything as Brahman and Brahman was everything. Joseph Campbell, notes from his lectures.

From this Upanishadic culture, here in the West we have managed to package yoga, trademark and put our own names on the practice to distinguish it from the others.
Doing this has created disparity rather than unity and distracted us from the ultimate union the sages encountered and transmitted to us through these teachings in a way that has truly tested time. This too shall pass. And we can always learn.

On Responsible Journalism and Readership:
I believe in addition to writing responsibly, one should also read responsibly.

Really look up where Hatha yoga came from and don't be satisfied with summaries and cursory explanations.

Consider the authorship and motive of what you currently read.

Ask questions, go to the source for clarification.

In action try to cultivate decency and responsibility and in those actions enjoy the fullness and richness of your life. Enjoy it all. Again, these words come from a timeless wisdom, Patanjali's.

In the end, it's your inner wisdom, the intuition you have cultivated through your practice that is your teacher.
Which ever way you listen and respond to your inner wisdom or truth is the right path for you. It's been distilled in the beautiful expression:
Truth is One, Paths are Many.

On Gratitude
I am still and will always be grateful that beautiful places exist all over the world and are lovingly sustained through the strongest acts of all, service and love.
I have met strong, wise and inspirational teachers there.

On Compassion
I know many fellow teachers are angry and hurting right now and I feel compassion for them and feel sorry for their suffering.

At least, thankfully, the words at the end of Bill Broad's article were these:

But perhaps — if students and teachers knew more about what Hatha can do, and what it was designed to do — they would find themselves less prone to surprise and unyogalike distress.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Detox for Spring

Dear Everyone, (en français dessous)
March is the month we look forward to Spring coming. It's also the month associated with green, budding and new beginnings and if you find yourself restless your mind and body is waking you up from the winter slumber and sending you messages, quite possibly to change some things.

It's also a great time not to just purify the body but to also examine where our thoughts are sitting or stuck and encouraging healthy forward momentum. Purifying our environment, getting rid of old habits and old things that are not serving us anymore is also a springtime tradition. Little things we can do for our practice like cleaning our mat really well and creating a clean space at home and at our work uplifts our mood, too. All these little gestures not only clean the environment but clean psychic space as well.

What else to do?

More workshops are available this time of year and I recommend infusing your practices with more information. I have a detox workshop on March 11, Sunday 13h30-16h30, we will have a vinyasa practice of continuous flow to detoxify the body through asana and nauli. Vinyasa means connected movement, all are welcome and are encouraged to practice at their own pace. Your place is reserved upon receipt of payment for the workshop. Place is limited so please reserve soon. Workshop fee is 45 euros and your check can be sent to the Centre made out to Michelle Jacobi.

Cultivating some kind habits toward ourselves and others. I have noticed more and more that students are coming to class after the start time of the class. All the teachers encourage their students to come early so that you can change, settle into the space and on your mat and even start to warm up your muscles a bit before we begin. This warm up time is valuable for the advanced classes. If you know you habitually run late, please come early and give yourself that time and be kind to those who have come early and on time for the class so that we can all begin together. In rare emergencies when you have to be late please wait outside the door until the teacher can open up a space for you.

I thank you very much for this and look forward to seeing you on the mat!


Chers tous,
Mars est le mois que nous attendons pour voir le printemps arriver. c'est aussi le mois associé au vert, aux bourgeons et à ces nouveaux départs. Votre esprit va sortir de l'hibernation, et va vous envoyer des messages, très probablement pour changer des choses.

C'est aussi un bon moment pour purifier simplement le corps, examiner là où nos pensées sont posées, et les encourager à aller de l'avant.
Purifier notre environnement, sortir des vieilles habitudes et de toutes ces choses qui ne nous aident pas sont dans la tradition de l'approche du printemps. Il y a toutes ces choses que nous faisons pour nettoyer et faire de place nette autour de nous (maison, travail), et cela réveille notre humeur.

Toutes ces petites choses ne nettoient pas que ce qui nous entoure, mais aussi notre espace psychic.

Comment en faire plus ?
Il y aura davantage d'ateliers cette saison et je recommande vivement de compléter votre pratique par plus d'information.
je vous propose une séance de détox le dimanche 11 mars de 13h30 à 16h30.
Il y aura une pratique Vinyasa basée sur les flux continus pour nettoyer le corps par les méthodes Asana et Nauli. Vinyasa signifie les mouvements connectés. Vous êtes tous les bienvenus pour une pratique à votre rythme. Une place vous sera réservée à réception de votre paiement. Les places étant limitées, réservez-vite ! L'atelier coûte 45 euros ; paiement par chèque adressés au centre acceptés (libellez votre chèque à Michelle Jacobi).

Gardons de bonnes habitudes entre nous et vis-à-vis des autres.
J'ai remarqué de plus en plus que les élèves viennent en classe après l'heure de début de la classe.
Tous les enseignants encouragent leurs élèves à venir plus tôt afin de s'installer, de faire connaissance, et de placer votre tapis pour vous échauffer un peu avant de commencer. Ce temps de préchauffage est également valable pour les classes avancées.

Si vous savez que vous habituellement du retard, s'il vous plaît venez un peu plus tôt et donnez-vous le temps d'être respecteux avec ceux qui sont venus au début et à temps, afin que la classe puisse commencer à l'heure.
Si exceptionnellement et en cas d'urgence rare, s'il vous plait attendez à l'extérieur jusqu'à ce que l'enseignant vienne vous ouvrir.

Je vous remercie tous et espère vous voir prochainement sur votre tapis de yoga !


Centre de Yoga du Marais
72, rue du Vertbois
75003 Paris
Tel. +
Cell. +

Monday, 6 February 2012

Nouvelles de février

Nouvelles de février

Chers tous,
Je suis heureuse d'être de retour, Je suis restée en bonne santé et ai pu finir la mission. Depuis mon retour j'ai eu beaucoup d'occasions de penser aux bénéfices de mon expérience, ce qui m'a donné de nouvelles idées et m'a ouvert les yeux.

Je reprends mes cours aujourd'hui.

Notre prochaine méditation sera le dimanche 19 février à 17h30. Vous êtes tous les bienvenus.
Nous reprendrons les dîners post-méditation le mois prochain.

Nous avons une nouvelle recrue dans l'équipe des enseignants, elle commencera le 15 février. Si vous pouvez venir à la méditation, elle sera là aussi pour vous recontrer tous.
Suraja est française (Integral Yoga) et pratiquera un yoga de niveau II, les mercredis entre 10h et 11h30.Pour en savoir plus sur Suraja, consultez le blog pour plus d'informations.

En mars je donnerai un atelier spécial détox à l'approche du printemps. Les détails suivront.
Notez bien la date : 11 mars de 13h30 à 16h30. L'ateier coutera 45 euros.

Le 25 mars aura lieu la méditation suivante.

A très vite, et continuez de faire circuler votre énergie : le printemps arrive !

February News

Dear Everyone!
I'm happy to be back, I remained healthy and was able to finish the mission. Since my return I've had a lot of time to reflect on the experience which gave me so many new ideas and was eye-opening for me.

I begin teaching this evening.

Our next meditation will be February 19th, A Sunday at 17h30. All are welcome. Next month we will continue with our post meditation dinner.
We have a new teacher on staff and she will begin teaching February 15th. If you can come to the meditation, she is looking forward to meeting you all!
Suraja is French also, from Integral Yoga and will be teaching a level II on Wednesdays at 10-11h30. To read more about Suraja, please see the blog and the newly updated website.

Also for March I will give a special de-tox workshop for the coming Spring, details to follow. Save the date:
March 11, 13h30-16h30. Workshop fee: 45 euros.

March 25 will be the next meditation.

See you soon, keep the energy circulating, Spring is coming!

Centre de Yoga du Marais
72, rue du Vertbois
75003 Paris
Tel. +
Cell. +

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Return from Benin
I'm back with all the smiles and the thanks for what you gave. Every little bit really mattered and was so appreciated. If you would like to read more I am posting my journal on the yogainparis blog. Go to "en coulisses"

The truth about foreign aid: According to public opinion research, many people believe aid is either stolen by corrupt leaders or wasted on ineffective programs. I was honored to hand deliver and share what I could give to each young child. There is also the argument that aid doesn't work even when it gets to its intended recipients. According to a statement from Bill Gates this week these claims are not convincing. "In the past 50 years, the number of children who die every year has gone down from 20 million to fewer than 8 million. The proportion of people living in extreme poverty has declined by half." From my experience these last few weeks, what we do, give, say and feel matters. All of it. Thank you, Michelle

Sunday, 15 January 2012

salut tout le monde d'Abomey

Namaste de Jacques et Roger de Guerison Pranique avec Michelle au
Centre Raviya Abomey.  Tout va bien et les enfants apprecient vos dons beaucoups!!!
Chaleureusement, Michelle

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

January schedule

Hello Everyone!
The staff is back and all my classes are covered while I am in Africa.  I won't be on emails for a while, but if you have any questions or would like to reserve for specific classes, please contact Caroline Dupuy during my absence at:

The schedule on the blog is up to date and the website will be up and running soon.

My dates away:  January 8- February 5.

A joyful and peaceful New Year to you All!

Bonjour à toutes et à tous !

Tous mes cours seront assurés pendant mon séjour en Afrique. Je ne pourrais pas consulter mes emails pendant cette période, aussi pour toute question ou pour réserver des cours en particulier, prenez contact avec Caroline Dupuy :

Le programme des cours est à jour sur le blog, et le site sera à nouveau fonctionnel très prochainement.

Pour rappel je serai absente du 8 janvier au 5 février.

Je vous souhaite une nouvelle année de joie et de paix à vous tous!