Sunday, 15 January 2012

salut tout le monde d'Abomey

Namaste de Jacques et Roger de Guerison Pranique avec Michelle au
Centre Raviya Abomey.  Tout va bien et les enfants apprecient vos dons beaucoups!!!
Chaleureusement, Michelle


Lizred said...

I miss you. I hope you are staying safe and learning lots of life lessons that you will share with your less enlightened friends. Take pictures and write in your journal-I will want to hear every detail. Liz

Lizred said...

Take care, take pictures, take notes, I will want to hear every detail. Did you get invited to the palace yet? Can't wait to talk to you when you return. Thank you for all you do for us and the world. Liz

Anonymous said...

so glad I could finally see your blog online. So proud of you and all you do and who you are!
Love, mom