Sunday, 3 May 2020

Meditation 18h-19h çe soir

Dear Friends, Family, Sangha,

It's Meditation Sunday.  I hope this finds you well.  It was a big week last week with so much news for us in France,
for us world-wide reminding us how inter-connected we all are.

Meditation helps us navigate this, our emotions, what we beautifully call our inner landscape with equanimity.

Equanimity, a difficult word to grasp right now.  It needs practice, practice, practice.

Meditation will 30 minutes earlier tonight due to scheduling requirements in my home, today.

For many of us, home is our office is our home.  And, I am sending a heartfelt thank you to all you
essential workers who are taking care of us right now.

Please know you have our deepest gratitude.

Yoga will continue through my Zoom/Skype Room all of May.
Please access the blog for regular updates, because it is here I post my notes and links to the classes.  is the link for meditation tonight.

Let's talk about June when June approaches because news is ever-changing.  I will need to see how we meet each other again, live.

Please write me an email and let me know how you are, or if you would like a chat, I think of you all!


Michelle Jacobi

Centre de Yoga du Marais
72, rue du Vertbois
75003 Paris
0033 (0)1 42 74 24 92
0033 (0)6 31 91 92 12

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