Wednesday, 8 June 2022

United Nations World Ocean Day

 Milos, Adamas Beach

I started the day as I usually do, picking up the bits of plastic in the sand along with the big pieces, the sea tosses over to us asking us to please not throw it all back.  I swam the whole length of the beach today, and rescued a sea star, it was dangerously close to washing ashore.  I moved it to deep water.  I snorkeled and happily saw only one plastic bag on the sea floor.  The Aegean is pristine blue and shockingly warm in such a short period of time.  We had a big thunderstorm 2 nights ago and since then the water warmed.

The boats still run on diesel of course, we need to get them electric very soon.  There is so much we need to do and can do.

An example, I love how the 5000 fulltime inhabitants, Melians, grow their own food.

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