Friday, 27 August 2010

What's new at the Yoga Marais? rentrée 2010

Hello Everyone!
I hope your summer holidays, even if they were short ones have left you refreshed and ready for another restart.
Reflecting on my time off, I noticed that it truly was a summer I just got to be more and do less.  Of course when you come back, see the Centre and the website and blog, things got done but I seemed to be able to appreciate and be in the moment of it all and appreciate the work of everyone around me.  Then, I realized, this can happen anytime, even when September begins and all our family, work and our responsibility 'to-do lists' pile up.   It is easy to let being slip away.  Also appreciation.  This is when our yoga practice steps in to anchor us and tether us to those quieter moments we've been fortunate to notice.   

I am happy to say the staff at the Centre, 10-strong this year, are ready to welcome you back to your practice and to touching those moments of grace when we can just be in the midst of all the busy-ness that awaits us in the rentree.

For you, the easiest thing to do is to click to the site and blog for updates, full class and workshop schedules, etc.  I will be updating from time to time, so if you have been away, please visit the blog.  Here, you can also meet the other teachers at the centre, read essays posted and get information on yoga immersion programs and retreats, too.

I will be teaching a 3-part workshop series this fall, over 3 Sundays, titled,  Making friends with yourself and your practice.  How to work with your body's weight, to take the time to work mindfully, to go deep and touch those areas we can open with acceptance.  These three workshops will explore ways we can release the hamstrings and hips, open and stabilize your shoulders, and strengthen your core with the proper use of bandha, developing confidence in all areas of your practice.   We will explore the teachings of Raja Yoga (Royal Path);  vairagyam (non-attachment) and ahimsa (non-injury) which help move us away from our negative feelings and habitual patterns that block our growth.  These teachings help us avoid injury and give us the potential to open to grace.

September 26   13h30-16h30 
October 24       13h30-16h30
November 28    13h30-16h30.
Workshops are priced at 35 euros or 95 euros for all three.  A reservation and deposit is required for the full series, please.

These workshops provide the opportunity to learn more about hatha yoga and its philosophy, all you need is a curiosity to learn more and an understanding to work at your own pace.  For teachers, these workshops fulfill the required hours for continuing education.

I am looking forward to seeing you all back for another exciting year of learning, for all of us!
The next meditation evening is Sunday, Sept 26 at 19h30.


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