Saturday, 24 December 2022

Milos Epilogue

Funny thing about stuff.


Aside from the enormous  pleasure and appreciation of being back home with family and seeing the big smiles on my friends and receiving even bigger hugs, I never miss a moment each day now for a week to feel also gratitude for my Stuff.  


One would think after a long period of a very minimal life on an island, composting, walking everywhere, cleaning up my local beach and living quite frugally, I would like to continue this minimal life.  But, right now, I really appreciate my Stuff.


In India a day is set aside for gratitude for one's material objects, a reminder to not take that chair, that we sit in, the table we eat at, the bed we lie in, etc. for granted.  I wish I could remember the name and when it is celebrated, but I have been celebrating every day since I have been back:


My sofa

My super fancy yoga mat

My fancy yoga clothes

The smooth soft floor at the studio which softens and cushions my joints, and Sally in Savasana on my belly at the end of practice.

Our kitchen, the oven and eating on pretty plates.  A wonderful sauce pot and cooking pan.

French wine and cheese

Clothes and shoes, a different kind of outfit each day, to meet the weather which changes perceptibly every day.


Everything is more perceptible after you have been minimal.  I notice so much on walks with Sally and change our promenade every single day. 


I don't miss the rooster, but I am grateful for being outside all the time for 7 months, practicing in the sun, appreciating Nature, especially the Sea for continuing on as it does incessantly tossing back on the beautiful shores the crap we put in the waters, leaving pretty gifts and things to look at.   I appreciate the beauty of the pebbles, stones and sand beneath my bare feet.  Yes, I really do, but for now I am so appreciating my Stuff.


Wednesday, 14 December 2022

December news, bon fin d'année 2022

Hello Everyone, I hope this finds you warm  and well! 

All of you near and far I am sending you my warmest wishes as we put this year gently behind us, and take a deep winter's holiday rest.  I will teach these weeks on Mondays and Saturdays, the full schedule from Jan 5, 2023.

I have moved the Tuesday morning class to Tuesday lunchtime class at 12h30-13h30.  Workshop dates will be posted soon as well for all of you who would like some weekend workshops appropriate for these cool winter months:  how to stay healthy, boost our immune systems, manage depression and anxiety in these days of much less light. 

There is a wonderful online course for Sanskrit for beginner's offered by my friend Ram Vakkalanka.  If we have three more we can meet online from India on Wednesday evenings for 4 weeks.  Start date is flexible.  I thought that would be fun.  He will come to Yoga Marais in June for a Sunday workshop.  I will write you regularly about all the offerings.

Thank you for being there and here, for staying in touch with me during my long pause, I look forward to spending 2023 with you.  Bonne fin d'année!  

Yoga Marais is here for 21 years and counting!  Namaste Michelle

Bonjour à tous, j'espère que vous vous portez bien !

Vous tous, proches ou lointains, je vous envoie mes vœux les plus chaleureux alors que nous mettons cette année doucement derrière nous, et prenons un profond repos de vacances d'hiver.  J'enseignerai ces semaines les lundis et samedis, l'horaire complet à partir du 5 janvier 2023.

J'ai déplacé le cours du mardi matin au cours du mardi midi à 12h30-13h30.  Les dates des ateliers seront bientôt publiées pour tous ceux d'entre vous qui souhaitent des ateliers de week-end adaptés à ces mois d'hiver frais : comment rester en bonne santé, renforcer notre système immunitaire, gérer la dépression et l'anxiété en ces jours où la lumière est beaucoup plus faible.

Il existe un merveilleux cours en ligne de sanskrit pour débutants proposé par mon ami Ram Vakkalanka.  Si nous sommes trois de plus, nous pouvons nous rencontrer en ligne depuis l'Inde les mercredis soirs pendant 4 semaines.  La date de début est flexible.  J'ai pensé que ce serait amusant.  Il viendra à Yoga Marais en juin pour un atelier le dimanche.  Je vous écrirai régulièrement sur toutes les offres.

Merci d'avoir été là et ici, d'être resté en contact avec moi pendant ma longue pause et je me réjouis de passer 2023 avec vous.  Bonne fin d'année !  

Yoga Marais est là depuis 21 ans et ça continue !  Namaste Michelle