Monday, 9 September 2013

Atelier de dimanche

Sunday workshop
Anatomy for Hatha Yoga
Sept 29, 13h30-16h30 with Michelle

Dear Yoga Students,

The goal of this workshop is to bring more awareness and clarity into what is happening in each of our bodies during our yoga practice.
Since no two bodies will ever move in the same way due to our unique individuality, no two bodies will feel the yoga poses the same way.
We will look at our anatomy in relation to the others in our classroom and learn how we can go deeper in a pose and why we sometimes simply cannot.
We learn when it is muscle resistance or bone resistance.

To practice yoga it is a good idea to know and understand some basic principles of anatomy and I would like to help each of you
go deeper in your understanding of the physicality of Hatha Yoga.  Part One Structural Anatomy.
Sept 29, Sunday 13h30-16h30.  45 euros

What is happening in our internal organs and how are the postures compressing on the meridians of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, spleen and heart?
This is a yin practice and we move into postures and remain there to awaken the energy these organs require to function optimally.
Part Two  Anatomy of Internal Organs Nov 17, Sunday 13h30-16h30 45 euros.

The workshops can be taken individually, special price 80 euros if you take Part I and Part II.

I will be teaching in Greece until Sept 23.  Your reservations are good and you can pay your deposits from the 24th when I am back, to confirm.   
If you do not hear back from me, you 
are in the workshop.  

The Centre will be closed for some happy developments from Oct 30-Nov 7.  If the new floor is ready for us sooner it
will be sooner.  We are getting a new warmer floor installed just in time for winter.  Stay tuned!


Chères élèves,
Le but de cet atelier est d'inspirer plus de conscience de soi et de clarté sur ce qui se produit dans nos corps lors de la pratique du yoga.
Puisque il n'existe pas deux corps qui bougent de la même façon à cause de l'individualité unique de chacun d'entre nous, il n'existe pas deux corps qui ressentent les postures de yoga de la même façon..
Nous allons explorer notre anatomie par rapport aux autres élèves et nous allons apprendre comment aller jusqu'au bout d'une posture et pourquoi tout simplement nous n'y arrivons pas.
Nous allons apprendre quand il s'agit d'une résistance musculaire ou d'une résistance osseuse.
Pratiquer du yoga est une bonne idée pour connaître et comprendre les principes basilaires de l'anatomie et j'aimerais bien vous aider tous à approfondir la connaissance de la physicalité du Hatha Yoga.
Première partie: Anatomie Structurelle
Dimanche 29 septembre, 13h30-16h30. 45 Euros.

Qu'est-ce qui se passe au niveau des organes internes et comment les postures compriment-elles les méridiens de foi, reins, vésicule biliaire, rate et coeur? 
Il s'agit d'une pratique yin: nous entrons dans une posture et y restons pour réveiller l'énergie dont ces organes ont besoin pour fonctionner au mieux.
Deuxième partie: Anatomie des Organes Internes
Dimanche 17 novembre, 13h30-16h30. 45 Euros

Vous pouvez participer à n'importe quel atelier, toutefois si vous souhaitez vous inscrire aux deux il y aura un prix spécial de 80 Euros.

Vous pouvez réserver et verser un acompte à partir du 24 septembre, dès mon retour de Grèce où je tiendrai des cours pendant dix jours. Si je ne reviens pas vers vous, c'est que votre place est confirmée. Je ne vous recontacterai que s'il n'y a plus de places de disponible.

Le Centre sera fermé du 30 octobre au 7 novembre pour une très bonne raison: nous allons poser un nouveau sol, plus confortable et chaud. Si on arrive à terminer le travaux avant, le Centre rouvrira plus tôt. 

À suivre!

Monday, 2 September 2013


Today I wanted to post a beautiful reading from one of the inspirational writings of Zen master,
Nissim Ammon, which touched me.


by Nissim Amon 
A coral reef is a place full of life and vibrant colour, where hundreds of different species of fish and plants live free of the need to criticize each other. Although an immense variety of life exists there, every plant knows its place and each and every fish knows exactly where it belongs. Once in a while a human diver appears with a mask and air-tanks, and like everybody else down there, he is not critical either. The diver enjoys being a visitor to the underwater world, observing the richness and beauty of Nature without judgment.

Things change the moment the diver steps out of the water and back onto dry land. Dry land accommodates an infinite variety of humans, humans however seem to have innumerable opinions about each other, so the game of criticizing one another, is one of their most favourite pastimes.

On the human reef, we sit on small balconies, observe our neighbours and complain: the octopus is a mess, the crab is an idiot, the jellyfish is spineless, the silver fish is obsessed with glamour, the eel is too slippery, and all the shallow water fish are limited and without depth. This takes place, in every house, in every city, all over the world.

Criticism is so widely spread that some consider it the ultimate social skill and are constantly polishing their expertise. They are unaware that the stronger the stream of criticism flows, the further happiness drifts away....

Two thousand five hundred years ago, the Buddha gave a small discourse on criticism. He said that while it is easy to observe and point out other people's faults, it is extremely difficult to see one's own. He also said that most people hide their faults, like a dishonest gambler hides unlucky cards. The Bedouins of the desert have a similar saying – A camel cannot see his own hump!

So how can we see our own humps? To solve this riddle we must realize that we are not able to criticize our own humps, because the hump is the very place where criticism comes from.

When we discover "what is wrong" with other people, we criticize them, but this criticism is entirely of our own fabrication, and it has nothing much to do with the people themselves. Our shortcomings, flaws and negativity are a reflection or projection of ourselves on others. Our hump is what criticizes other people for having a bigger hump.

This inner voice, residing in our transparent hump, guarantees its survival thanks to the satisfying feeling we get from patronizing others. It specializes in finding their faults and feeds off the elation the feeling of superiority gives us.

If we lack a sense of self-worth, criticism becomes our way of avoiding self-examination. Becoming aware of this is an important step in the right direction.

The next step is to have the courage and fortitude to remove the hump and consciously rid our lives of obsessive criticism. Not only must one decide to do this, which is a huge step in itself, it is imperative to constantly remind ourselves not to falter on this decision. Try writing yourself little notes and stick them on all the mirrors in your house, make it a conscious effort - because it is so very easy to go back to criticizing everything again.

Your hump has a knack of playing tricks on you by telling you that you have a good sense of self-criticism, don’t be deceived by this. It is a very common deception. All forms of criticism come from the same hump....

When the positive spotlight is turned within it has nothing whatsoever to do with condemnation, disapproval or judgement. When YOU look inside of yourself, it is called wakefulness, mindfulness and awareness, not criticism.

The realization that you are neither superior nor inferior to anyone is a very high spiritual achievement. When this understanding is no longer purely intellectual but goes to the deepest level of your heart, it will give you the freedom that you seek, and also allow you the freedom of letting everyone else, be exactly who they are and whatever they choose to be.

The person who doesn't feel he is superior behaves without pretension and one who knows that he is not inferior feels no fear. 

"One hundred percent ordinary,
Is extra-ordinary.
From moment to moment,
Without judgement,
The truth we seek is reality itself."

-Nissim Amon