Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Nouvelles d'avril

Bonjour Yogis!
I hope this letter finds you enjoying the lovely light of Springtime.
The centre will be open for all classes over the Easter break. I will be away from April 2-6, and have subs covering all my classes.

Last night's meditation and dinner was a joy and I always love learning more about each and every one of you. Our next meditation will be Sunday, April 25 at 19h30.

Springtime offer from now until June 30. When you bring a friend to class you get a class on the house!

To note:
As of May 1, the price of a single class with me will be 20 euros. The eight class card will increase marginally to 115 euros. And the 15 class card stays the same. 165 euros, 11 euros a class! Expiration on the cards is the same, 4 months.

A little springtime koan for you...

"If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a transformation."
J. Krishnamurti


Centre de Yoga du Marais
72, rue du Vertbois
75003 Paris
Tel. +
Cell. +

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Nouvelles de mars

Bonjour a tous!
Le prochain soir de méditation pour la pleine lune se déroulera le 28 mars à 19h30, c'est aussi le soir de changement d'heure pour passer à l'heure d'été. Et oui, les jours deviennent plus longs!
Aussi le 28 mars, Laetitia Camilleri va donner un cours special de Pilates le matin à 9h45-11h00 pour décrouvir le pratique avec un prix special de 13 euros.

Les nouvelles de mars:
Le Centre de Yoga du Marais va ajouter encore quatre cours pendant la semaine. Encore deux professeurs de yoga formés dans la formation Centre de Yoga du Marais vont offrir ses cours.
Tatiana Abbey-Chartier commencera cette semaine 5 mars:
Vendredi 10h00-11h30 pour un cours prénatal
Vendredi 11h45-13h15 Hatha niveau I

Caroline Dupuy commencera 16 mars:
Mardi 12h30-13h30 pour un cours tonique à l'heure de déjeuner
Jeudi 14h00-13h30 Hatha niveau I

Pour connaitre les cours, jour par jour, merci de consulter le blog.

Merci et "bon souffle dans les vents de mars" !


Hello Everyone,
This month's full moon meditation will me March 28 at 19h30 which is also the day we move our clocks forward to summertime. Yes, the days are getting longer! Also on the 28th, Laetitia Camilleri a Pilates teacher at the centre would like to offer her class at a special price that day of 13 euros from 9h45-11h00.

New classes at the Centre starting this month:
(Please see the Blog for all the classes.)

Tatiana Abbey-Chartier starts this week, March 5:
Friday 10h00-11h30 prenatal
Friday 11h45-13h15 Hatha level I

Caroline Dupuy will start March 16:
Tues 12h30-13h30 dynamic lunchtime class
Thurs 14h00-13h30 Hatha level I

Thank you and take a nice breath in the winds of March!


Centre de Yoga du Marais
72, rue du Vertbois
75003 Paris
Tel. +
Cell. +